Monday, December 2, 2013


Definition of wonderland (n)

Bing Dictionary
  • won·der·land
  1. land of wonderful things: a land where wonderful things happen or exist 
I am a college student, co-worker, wife, and a mommy to 3 amazing kids (2 I gave birth to, 1 I did not). A lots of amazing things happen in my life and I always get the urge to write them down. Unfortunately, I start the same blog over and over again and I got to thinking....what if it's the blog that's holding me back? What if I outgrew it these last few years? There's a lot of amazing things and memories there and they'll always stay there. If you ever want to pull them up, send me an email and I'd be happy to give you access to it, as it's friends only!

One thing I don't want to do here is set limits. I can and will make this what I want and when I want. But I want to set some goals.

Fashion Fridays. Maybe not every Friday, but I'm going to make a real solid effort here. One of my favorite things in life is shopping, another is getting dressed up.

Health & Fitness check ins. Health and fitness is one of the most important things to me. Without it, all of my other core values fall away (and yours do too, if you think about it!).

Everything about my kids is coming your way. If you don't like that...well, I'm not sure what you're doing here in the first place!

Let's leave it here for now. I need to go get some shut eye. My final exams are going to be the death of me, I tell you!